Eaton Polymers' new PACCS production line brings new standards to the industry.
As our June cover story showed, new materials used in automobiles continue to appear in more and more vehicle fields. These include a variety of nylons, including high-performance ver
It is said to be designed to minimize operator involvement and the use of manual tools, thereby improving safety.
According to reports, Davis-Standard (DS) 4000AG automatic crosshead is specially designed for elastomer hoses. It can provide closed-loop,
Nivea announces sustainable upgrade of facial care packaging
Plastic packaging and circular economy
Amcor today announced customer trials for the world's first recyclable polyethylene-based thermoformed blister package.
According to Amcor, this innovation has reduced its carbon
A "forward-looking" community in Quebec benefits from a modern sewer system.
Turning part of the former industrial park into one of the key components of Candiac Plaza is a pedestrian-oriented development (POD) of 2,000 units in Quebec, which is a rainwater system.
With a total area o
Ordinary TWP. -Stark County Sheriff George Maier (George Maier) said that a 58-year-old man was accused of posting a “relevant” video on social media, leading authorities to believe that he might have created an explosive device and was arrested on Friday.
He said the police responded t
This may not be easy-but it is not impossible.
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It looks like the best fig year ever, and as the season progresses, my potted tree may bear 20 fruits. But the end of th
In the absence of methyl bromide, growers have tried many different alternative products and application methods to control the main pests in crops. Chemical treatment by drip irrigation tape is a method that can be used to tackle certain pests.
The phrase “not to see and not to worry”
A trigger. An empty Chick-fil-A sandwich bag. A mattress. Sneakers, navy blue, white soles. A small orange bouncy ball.
Garbage is scattered in the thigh-high dirt and is used to bury dirty, well-tested items at the Orange County Landfill in Florida, and to prevent the invasion of insects,
When the temperature and pressure (T&P) safety valve on the water heater leaks, it is usually a simple repair method; just replace the valve. These valves cost less than $15, and replacing the valves is a very basic job—just drain some water from the water heater, remove the drain pipe, and
Plants like mesquite, palo verde, and acacia are dry in terms of water use. They use less water than alternative trees and shrubs and are controlled by watering.
Dry trees and shrubs — including many of our plants from the southwest desert — look amazing; water them after a long period