• Compact Single Shaft Contour Gauge | Plastic Technology

    by admin on 2021-12-13 19:15:24

    Can be used online or offline for a series of configuration files. #monitor

    The AccuScan Pro series is NDC Technologies' latest solution for single-axis diameter measurement, which is suitable for pipes/hoses/tubes, ropes, rods, wires, cables and other extruded or drawn

  • Council approved contract will replace water supply pipeline | AustinTexas.gov

    by admin on 2021-12-13 19:15:01

    Replacement of more than 2,000 water supply lines in more than 60 districts to improve reliability and flexibility for customers

    Austin, Texas-At its December 9th meeting, the City Council approved a construction contract to replace more than 2,000 water supply lines in more than 60 distric

  • Woman accused of arson in Pe Ell's house | Daily Chronicle

    by admin on 2021-12-13 19:14:51

    On Thursday afternoon, a woman was charged with first-degree arson on suspicion of arson that destroyed a home in Pe Ell, two trailers and surrounding bushes. 

    At 1:40 pm on October 14, firefighters received the call to respond to reports of a fire in the 400 block of Washington Stree

  • The Kevin R. Branford Memorial Band will present the Celtics’ Christmas – Press Enterprise

    by admin on 2021-12-13 19:13:34

    The Kevin R. Branford Memorial Band will hold its annual Celtic Christmas Concert at Claremont United Christian Church, 233 Harrison Avenue, on Sunday, December 12th at 3 pm.

    The band will show traditional bagpipe and drum music as well as original adaptations for pipe organs and bagpipes b

  • View the latest Trenchless Technology Tender-Trenchless Australasia

    by admin on 2021-12-13 19:13:27

    Trenchless Australasia cooperates with the Australian tendering company to bring readers the latest trenchless tenders.

    Main Irrigation Pipe Replacement – ​​Supply and Construction – FY 21/22 and FY 22/23 Publisher: Lower Murray Water Closing Date: January 13, 2022 Location: Victori

  • Traffic stop leads to felony drug arrest | TheUnion.com

    by admin on 2021-12-13 19:13:14

    Caogu police said that a Sevastopol woman who was stopped for failing to obey a stop sign is now facing several felony charges.

    Authorities said that 38-year-old Shannon Claire Dolan was arrested after Grass Valley police saw an methamphetamine tube in her car during a routine traffic stop.

  • Police Report | News, Sports, Work-Weirton Daily Times

    by admin on 2021-12-13 19:13:08

    Outing: On Friday, a caller reported that a man was found unresponsive in the 1400 block of Ridge Avenue. The responders performed sternum rubbing until the firefighters arrived at the scene with 12 mg Narcan. He saw two straws with residue, a blue metal cracked tube with burnt tar on it, and a b

  • Totalità.it-Per Befana parla l'asino, il bove e la cavalla

    by admin on 2021-12-13 19:10:43

    Giovanni F. Akola, Franco Cardini, Domenico del Niro, Giordano Bruno Gehry, Gennaro Malgieri, Gennaro Sangiuliano, Mirella Serri, Marcello Veneziani.

    Mancano poche ore per la notte più magica dell'anno: quella del 5 gennaio, la Notte della Befana, chiamata anche la “Dodicesima notte”

  • Real Dirt: The Basics of Drip Irrigation – Chico Enterprise-Record

    by admin on 2021-12-13 19:10:11

    Article author Brent McGhie demonstrated drip irrigation equipment in a recent show at Patrick Ranch. -Submit photos

    As many readers may already know, drip irrigation is a form of irrigation that uses a system of pipes and emitters to slowly drip water onto the soil surface or directly in

  • "Pipe to Plant" Nutrition Monitoring Program-Cannabis Business Times

    by admin on 2021-12-13 19:09:36

    Identify issues in the supply chain to prevent costly impacts on your cannabis crop.

    University researchers focus on repeated series of plant cultivation

    For many crops, fertility management can be challenging. To ensure that your plants get the required fertility, a step-by-step nut